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Use Cases

ResumeMill can be used for a wide variety of applications which can benefit from resume parsing to provide the base data.

Some of these are:

Custom ATS Application

Custom ATS applications can integrate with ResumeMill API for resume parsing and can focus their energies on developing usable and powerful ATS platform. Resume Parsing is a complex problem solving which can easily distract ATS developers from their core competence.


Job Boards


Job Boards can simplify the registration process for new candidates by using resume parsing on the provided resume profile to pre populate the fields in the form to save time for the candidate.

Career Sites

A Career Site can provide parsing result of the provided resume file to simplify the task of form filling for the candidate applying for a Job or submitting their profile.


SaaS/ Non-SaaS HR Applications: Machine Learning, HR Analytics


ResumeMill api can be used by SaaS and Non-SaaS applications providing Analytics on Candidate data using Machine Learning and other methods to first populate complete profiles of the candidates using their resume files before running their algorithms on the data. The accuracy of analytics is directly dependent on the accuracy of the underlying data.

Sales CRM

Sales CRM data is often available with Business Development teams in the form of resume files of their targets. Integrating with ResumeMill can solve the import of data through this key path.


Admissions to College, University, etc.


Admission Cells of colleges and universities have applications to manage the admission process. The candidates applying almost always provide their resume files. Integration with ResumeMill will eliminate all the manual effort being spent on filling the Candidate record manually.

Registrations for Training Institutes

Training Institutes have applications to manage the admission and registration process. The candidates would always provide their resume files as part of the process. Integration with ResumeMill will eliminate all the manual effort being spent on filling the Candidate record manually.


Profiles used for other purposes: Friendship, dating, matrimonial sites.


These sites can integrate with ResumeMill to save the registration time by avoiding the time required to fill in the profile details. Parsed data can be pre-populated in the form to reduce the time required for registration thus improving the overall experience.